[Interview] Marcia King-Gamble

Her books include The Way He Moves (Harlequin, 2008), Shattered Images (Kimani Press, 2006) and A Taste of Paradise (Kimani Press, 2005).
In this email interview, Marcia King-Gamble talks about her writing.*
Who influenced you the most?
Excellent writers like Sandra Kitt as well as my encouraging agent.
How have your personal experiences influenced your writing?
Personal experiences always influences your writing style or even your mood. As writers we tend to observe people and reflect on the human condition.
What would you say are your main concerns as a writer?
Book distribution is always of concern for a writer. You want to ensure that your print-run is such it reaches the widest possible market.
A challenge for any writer is making sure you get that next contract. Writing is a business and sales are everything.
How do you deal with these challenges?
A writer has to keep sending proposals in. You need to keep coming up with fresh, unique ideas.
Do you write everyday?
I write every day regardless of what's going on in my life. The time spent depends on how tight a deadline I have. Some days all I do is write.
What is your latest book about?
My latest book is one I am currently working on. It will be published by Harlequin's Kimani Line and will take me approximately two months to write. It's a story of a woman burnt out on corporate America who inherits a house and decides to open a spa. The hero is the retired athlete, turned business man next door, with designs on her land.
If you are asking about my next book that will be published in May 2007 by Harlequin's Kimani line and it is titled, Down and out in Flamingo Beach. It's the third in the Flamingo Beach series.
What did you find most difficult when you were working on the book?
Research regarding setting to ensure authenticity is the most time consuming. Also making sure your hero and heroine work.
What did you enjoy most?
The writing process itself. There are times you know when you "got it." It's a wonderful feeling.
What sets the book apart from others you have written?
Setting. I have chosen the historical town of St. Augustine, Florida because it is rich in possibilities.
In what way is it similar?
A good romance always has a conflict which inevitably gets resolved.
What will your next book be about?
Sex on Flamingo Beach is the fourth and last of my Flamingo Beach Series. It's the story of Emilie who looks white but isn't and her relationship with the land developer hired to build a casino in the small town of Flamingo Beach.
What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
Being asked to be a part of a continuity series for Harlequin. This would be a breakout from the multicultural market.
How did you get there?
Hard work, marketing of self, and staying connected. I am very grateful for the opportunity.
When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?
I didn't. I fell into the opportunity. I was a reader for Harlequin/Silhouette for years.
How would you describe your writing?
The genre would be romance although I do do some mainstream women's fiction writing.
What motivated you to start writing in this genre?
I've always read in this genre. Romance is uplifting and a great escape if you have a stressful career.
Who is your target audience?
Anyone who enjoys and appreciates a good romance.
*This conversation with Marcia King-Gamble took place in February 2007.
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